Saturday, March 1, 2008

Green Momentum in Westchester

Dear friends,

As many of you know, I have been working with the Westchester County Global Warming Task Force for over a year to help develop an action plan to lower greenhouse gas emissions in our County.

On February 26th, the Westchester Action Plan to combat climate change was launched. An all day event was held at Manhattanville College with 400 people in attendance. I moderated a panel addressing consumer household issues. There was a great deal of enthusiasm from everyone, fueling (no pun intended) the urgency to take the message on the road. Bottom line, every person, business, institution, etc. wants to get down to the nitty gritty, how exactly does it relate to them... or, as my mom so eloquently said the other day, "I want to go green, but what does it mean?".

The County website is a good place to start. The Action Plan provides an overview and guidelines of what can be done for various sectors. Soon, a great deal more specific information will be added, especially for consumers.

On the evening of March 11th, the show goes on the road. County Executive Andy Spano and Co-Chair Reese Berman (North Castle Supervisor) will give an overview of the Action Plan. I will participate in the panel discussion following their presentation. It's a chance to learn more, ask questions and participate in the discussion. I hope you can come. Click here for details.

Feel free to pass this invitation on to anyone who you think would like to attend.

Here's to the power of our voices,


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